Prof. Konrad Sandhoff receives the 2017 Award for Innovation and Accomplishment

On the occasion of the WORLDSymposium in San Diego, California, this year's "Award for Innovation and Accomplishment in the field of lysosomal disease research and therapy" was awarded to Prof. Sandhoff from the LIMES Institute.

[Translate to englisch:] Preisträger Prof. Dr. Konrad Sandhoff

Awardee Prof. Dr. Konrad Sandhoff, (c) Foto: S. Hoch/Uni Bonn

Each year, WORLDSymposium recognizes one individual for innovation and accomplishment in the field of lysosomal disease research and therapy. This year, the 2017 Award for Innovation and Accomplishment in the field of lysosomal disease research and therapy was presented to Konrad Sandhoff, PhD.

The award is presented annually to recognize substantial contributions to lysosomal disease research and therapy. The recipient was presented with an engraved award and was recognized at the WORLDSymposium scientific meeting held annually in February each year. The award winner was also invited to present a 15-20 minute address as the opening speaker at WORLDSymposium, and an announcement of the award recipient is included in the February special lysosomes issue of the "Molecular Genetics and Metabolism". 

Konrad Sandhoff completed his PhD in biochemistry in Munich. After early research in Munich, Israel and the USA, he became Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Bonn in 1979. Since 2007 he has been a Senior Professor at the LIMES Institute in Bonn, Germany. Professor Sandhoff’s major research interests are focused on molecular life sciences including the analysis and pathobiochemistry of lysosomal (glyco-) sphingolipid storage diseases, the structure and function of lysosomal enzymes and lipid binding proteins, the topology of endocytosis and glycolipid metabolism, and regulation of glycolipid biosynthesis. He has published more than 480 peer-reviewed papers, and has received more than 15 renowned national and international awards. Professor Sandhoff’s early investigation and analysis led to the identification of several biochemically distinct lysosomal diseases, including a variant of GM2-Gangliosidosis which was named Sandhoff disease in 1971.


Prof. Dr. Konrad Sandhoff
Universität  Bonn
Life & Medical Sciences Institute (LIMES) 
Tel.: +49 / (0)2 28 / 73 - 53 46