Basic research in the field of molecular biomedicine is vital to our understanding of the many complex mechanisms and processes of our body. Disruption to our body’s normal function can lead to disease. Findings from basic research form the basis for the development of better therapeutics to help treat and prevent the progression of chronic disease states. Your donation will help our scientists to continue to make new discoveries for a future of happier, healthier people.
You can make a difference by supporting the important work of the Life and Medical Sciences (LIMES) Institute.
There are many ways to donate:
One-off donation
Regular donations: Your continued support means a great deal to the LIMES Institute. You can set up regular donations for the amount and frequency of your choice. This can be directly deducted from your credit card or bank account.
Donate in memory: Remember your loved ones by making a donation in their memory.
Special occasion: You can give the greatest gift of all by requesting donations to the LIMES Institute instead of gifts at your next celebration.
Leave a gift in your will: By remembering the LIMES Institute in your will, you can leave a legacy to science and help future generations to live a happier, healthier life.
Trust and Foundation: Your support is vital for the future of biomedical research at the LIMES Institute. If you are a trust or foundation who is interested in working with the LIMES institute, please contact us directly.
Donation Receipt
The University of Bonn is a non-profit organization. Donations to support the LIMES institute are tax deductible. Gifts of 100 Euro and over can be issued with a receipt. If you would like to donate, please email your full name, postal address and the sum of your donation to info@limes-bonn.de or call +49 (0) 228 73 62703.
Thank you for your support!