
The study course and the exams are regulated by the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung).

For questions regarding these regulations, please contact the examination committee:

Prof. Dr. Sven Burgdorf (Head of the committee)
Prüfungsausschuss LIMES Master
Poppelsdorfer Schloss
Meckenheimer Allee 169
53115 Bonn

Examination Committee Biochemistry (M.Sc.)

HeadProf. Dr. Sven BurgdorfProf. Dr. Christoph Thiele
Group of lecturersProf. Dr. Günter MayerProf. Dr. Michael Famulok
 Prof. Dr. Thorsten LangProf. Dr. Michael Pankratz
Group of scientific staffDr. Anastasia SolomatinaDr. Anne Gäbler
Group of studentsJohanna ElsnerAlexa Heuer
 Michael VogtHannah Deckers