Unit 1
Unit 1: Genetics, Developmental Biology & Molecular Physiology
- Michael Hoch/Reinhard Bauer lab: Molecular Developmental Biology
- Elvira Mass lab: Developmental Biology of the Immune System
- Michael Pankratz lab: Molecular Brain Physiology and Behavior
- Dietmar Schmucker lab: Neuronal Wiring
Unit 2
Unit 2: Molecular Immune & Cell Biology
- Sven Burgdorf lab: Cellular Immunology
- Irmgard Förster lab: Immunology and Environment
- Jan Hasenauer lab: Computational Life Sciences
- Eva Kiermaier lab: Immune and Tumor Biology
- Waldemar Kolanus lab: Molecular Immunology and Cell Biology
- Mihai Netea lab: Immunology and Metabolism
- Joachim Schultze lab: Genomics and Immunoregulation
- Ivonne Vazquez Armendariz lab: Organoid Biology
- Andreas Schlitzer lab: Quantitative Systems Biology
Unit 3
Unit 4
Former groups
Former groups
- Margret Bülow lab: Neuronal Cell Metabolism
- Stephanie Kath-Schorr lab: Functional RNA
- Alena Khmelinskaia: Protein Design and Self-Assembly
- Peter Soba lab: Neuronal Patterning and Connectivity
- Gaia Tavosanis lab: Developmental Neurobiology
- Klaus Willecke lab: Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
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