Welcome to the research group of Bioinformatics & Computational Network Research

The research group 'Bioinformatics & Computational Network Research' is positioned at the exciting interface of biology and informatics, aiming to decipher and better understand complex biological systems. Our focus is on the application and development of novel methods in bioinformatics, especially network analysis, with a particular emphasis on the immune system and genomics. Another core element of our work is the integration of systems biology and multi-omics approaches to achieve a holistic understanding of biological systems.

Our work primarily focuses on the analysis of bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing data, supplemented by multi-omics data integration, to gain profound insights into biological processes. A central part of our research is the development of advanced tools, ranging from statistical methods to artificial intelligence. We also develop applications that enable non-experts without extensive programming knowledge to perform independent analyses. All these tools are crucial for recognizing, interpreting, and advancing research into complex patterns in biological data.

Our research area is intensely dedicated to the study of diseases such as COVID-19 and Alzheimer's disease, as well as to the exploration of immune development in newborns. In doing so, we utilize comprehensive genomic data analyses and integrate various omics data to identify potential therapeutic approaches and biomarkers. These contribute both to the treatment and to a better understanding of these and other diseases. Driven by our passion for cutting-edge computer-assisted technologies, we are committed to improving human health and deepening our understanding of humans as a biological system.