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Milanez-Almeida, P., Ulas, T., Pasztoi, M., Glage, S., Schughart, K., Lutz, M. B., Schultze, J. L. & Huehn, J. CD11b+Ly6C++Ly6G- Cells with Suppressive Activity Towards T Cells Accumulate in Lungs of Influenza a Virus-Infected Mice. Eur. J. Microbiol. Immunol. (Bp). 5, 246–255 (2015).
Vacchelli, E., Ma, Y., Baracco, E. E., Sistigu, A., Enot, D. P., Pietrocola, F., Yang, H., Adjemian, S., Chaba, K., Semeraro, M., Signore, M., De Ninno, A., Lucarini, V., Peschiaroli, F., Businaro, L., Gerardino, A., Manic, G., Ulas, T., Gunther, P., Schultze, J. L., Kepp, O., Stoll, G., Lefebvre, C., Mulot, C., Castoldi, F., Rusakiewicz, S., Ladoire, S., Apetoh, L., Bravo-San Pedro, J. M., Lucattelli, M., Delarasse, C., Boige, V., Ducreux, M., Delaloge, S., Borg, C., Andre, F., Schiavoni, G., Vitale, I., Laurent-Puig, P., Mattei, F., Zitvogel, L. & Kroemer, G. Chemotherapy-induced antitumor immunity requires formyl peptide receptor 1. Science 350, 972–978 (2015).
Labzin, L. I., Schmidt, S. V, Masters, S. L., Beyer, M., Krebs, W., Klee, K., Stahl, R., Lutjohann, D., Schultze, J. L., Latz, E. & De Nardo, D. ATF3 Is a Key Regulator of Macrophage IFN Responses. J. Immunol. 195, 4446–4455 (2015).
Bottcher, J. P., Beyer, M., Meissner, F., Abdullah, Z., Sander, J., Hochst, B., Eickhoff, S., Rieckmann, J. C., Russo, C., Bauer, T., Flecken, T., Giesen, D., Engel, D., Jung, S., Busch, D. H., Protzer, U., Thimme, R., Mann, M., Kurts, C., Schultze, J. L., Kastenmuller, W. & Knolle, P. A. Functional classification of memory CD8+ T cells by CX3CR1 expression. Nat. Commun. 6, 8306 (2015).
Schultze, J. L., Schmieder, A. & Goerdt, S. Macrophage activation in human diseases. Semin. Immunol. 27, 249–256 (2015).
Schultze, J. L. Teaching 'big data' analysis to young immunologists. Nat. Immunol. 16, 902–905 (2015).
Schultze, J. L. Transcriptional programming of human macrophages: on the way to systems immunology. J. Mol. Med. (Berl). 93, 589–597 (2015).
Mitschka, S., Ulas, T., Goller, T., Schneider, K., Egert, A., Mertens, J., Brustle, O., Schorle, H., Beyer, M., Klee, K., Xue, J., Gunther, P., Bassler, K., Schultze, J. L. & Kolanus, W. Co-existence of intact stemness and priming of neural differentiation programs in mES cells lacking Trim71Sci. Rep. 5, 11126 (2015).
Sommer, D., Peters, A. E., Wirtz, T., Mai, M., Ackermann, J., Thabet, Y., Schmidt, J., Weighardt, H., Wunderlich, F. T., Degen, J., Schultze, J. L. & Beyer, M. Efficient genome engineering by targeted homologous recombination in mouse embryos using transcription activator-like effector nucleasesNature communications 6, 5927 (2015).
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Krebs, W., Schmidt, S. V, Goren, A., De Nardo, D., Labzin, L., Bovier, A., Ulas, T., Theis, H., Kraut, M., Latz, E., Beyer, M. & Schultze, J. L. Optimization of transcription factor binding map accuracy utilizing knockout-mouse modelsNucleic Acids Res. 42, 13051–13060 (2014).
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Schmole, A.-C., Lundt, R., Ternes, S., Albayram, O., Ulas, T., Schultze, J. L., Bano, D., Nicotera, P., Alferink, J. & Zimmer, A. Cannabinoid receptor 2 deficiency results in reduced neuroinflammation in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. Neurobiol. Aging 36, 710–719 (2015).
Bottcher, J. P., Schanz, O., Garbers, C., Zaremba, A., Hegenbarth, S., Kurts, C., Beyer, M., Schultze, J. L., Kastenmuller, W., Rose-John, S. & Knolle, P. A. IL-6 trans-Signaling-Dependent Rapid Development of Cytotoxic CD8+ T Cell FunctionCell Rep. 8, 1318–1327 (2014).
Schmidt, S. V & Schultze, J. L. New insights into IDO biology in bacterial and viral infectionsFront. Immunol. 5, 384 (2014).
Murray, P. J., Allen, J. E., Biswas, S. K., Fisher, E. A., Gilroy, D. W., Goerdt, S., Gordon, S., Hamilton, J. A., Ivashkiv, L. B., Lawrence, T., Locati, M., Mantovani, A., Martinez, F. O., Mege, J.-L., Mosser, D. M., Natoli, G., Saeij, J. P., Schultze, J. L., Shirey, K. A., Sica, A., Suttles, J., Udalova, I., van Ginderachter, J. A., Vogel, S. N. & Wynn, T. A. Macrophage activation and polarization: nomenclature and experimental guidelines.Immunity 41, 14–20 (2014).
Kummer, M. P., Hammerschmidt, T., Martinez, A., Terwel, D., Eichele, G., Witten, A., Figura, S., Stoll, M., Schwartz, S., Pape, H.-C., Schultze, J. L., Weinshenker, D., Heneka, M. T. & Urban, I. Ear2 Deletion Causes Early Memory and Learning Deficits in APP/PS1 MiceJ. Neurosci. 34, 8845–8854 (2014).
Schultze, J. L. Precision attack on calcineurin in macrophages: a new anti‐inflammatory weaponEMBO J. 33, 1087–1088 (2014).
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Xue, J., Schmidt, S. V, Sander, J., Draffehn, A., Krebs, W., Quester, I., De Nardo, D., Gohel, T. D., Emde, M., Schmidleithner, L., Ganesan, H., Nino-Castro, A., Mallmann, M. R., Labzin, L., Theis, H., Kraut, M., Beyer, M., Latz, E., Freeman, T. C., Ulas, T. & Schultze, J. L. Transcriptome-Based Network Analysis Reveals a Spectrum Model of Human Macrophage Activation. Immunity 40, 274–288 (2014).
Globisch, T., Steiner, N., Fulle, L., Lukacs-Kornek, V., Degrandi, D., Dresing, P., Alferink, J., Lang, R., Pfeffer, K., Beyer, M., Weighardt, H., Kurts, C., Ulas, T., Schultze, J. L. & Forster, I. Cytokine‐dependent regulation of dendritic cell differentiation in the splenic microenvironmentEur. J. Immunol. 44, 500–510 (2014).
Sommer, D., Peters, A., Wirtz, T., Mai, M., Ackermann, J., Thabet, Y., Schmidt, J., Weighardt, H., Wunderlich, F. T., Degen, J., Schultze, J. L. & Beyer, M. Efficient genome engineering by targeted homologous recombination in mouse embryos using transcription activator-like effector nucleasesNat. Commun. 5, 3045 (2014).
Ma, Y., Mattarollo, S. R., Adjemian, S., Yang, H., Aymeric, L., Hannani, D., Portela Catani, J. P., Duret, H., Teng, M. W. L., Kepp, O., Wang, Y., Sistigu, A., Schultze, J. L., Stoll, G., Galluzzi, L., Zitvogel, L., Smyth, M. J. & Kroemer, G. CCL2/CCR2-Dependent Recruitment of Functional Antigen-Presenting Cells into Tumors upon ChemotherapyCancer Res. 74, 436–445 (2014).
De Nardo, D., Labzin, L. I., Kono, H., Seki, R., Schmidt, S. V, Beyer, M., Xu, D., Zimmer, S., Lahrmann, C., Schildberg, F. A., Vogelhuber, J., Kraut, M., Ulas, T., Kerksiek, A., Krebs, W., Bode, N., Grebe, A., Fitzgerald, M. L., Hernandez, N. J., Williams, B. R. G., Knolle, P., Kneilling, M., Rocken, M., Lutjohann, D., Wright, S. D., Schultze, J. L. & Latz, E. High-density lipoprotein mediates anti-inflammatory reprogramming of macrophages via the transcriptional regulator ATF3Nat. Immunol. 15, 152–160 (2014).
Lubkemeier, I., Andrie, R., Lickfett, L., Bosen, F., Stockigt, F., Dobrowolski, R., Draffehn, A. M., Fregeac, J., Schultze, J. L., Bukauskas, F. F., Schrickel, J. W. & Willecke, K. The Connexin40A96S mutation from a patient with atrial fibrillation causes decreased atrial conduction velocities and sustained episodes of induced atrial fibrillation in mice.J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 65, 19–32 (2013).
Schermer, B., Bartels, V., Frommolt, P., Habermann, B., Braun, F., Schultze, J. L., Roodbergen, M., Hoeijmakers, J. H., Schumacher, B., Nurnberg, P., Dolle, M. E., Benzing, T., Muller, R.-U. & Kurschat, C. E. Transcriptional profiling reveals progeroid Ercc1-/Δ mice as a model system for glomerular aging. BMC Genomics 14, 559 (2013).
Nino-Castro, A., Abdullah, Z., Popov, A., Thabet, Y., Beyer, M., Knolle, P., Domann, E., Chakraborty, T., Schmidt, S. V & Schultze, J. L.The IDO1-induced kynurenines play a major role in the antimicrobial effect of human myeloid cells against Listeria monocytogenes. Innate Immun. 20, 401–411 (2014).
Langhans, B., Kramer, B., Louis, M., Nischalke, H. D., Huneburg, R., Staratschek-Jox, A., Odenthal, M., Manekeller, S., Schepke, M., Kalff, J., Fischer, H.-P., Schultze, J. L. & Spengler, U. Intrahepatic IL-8 producing Foxp3(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells and fibrogenesis in chronic hepatitis.C. J. Hepatol. 59, 229–235 (2013).
Beutner, C., Linnartz-Gerlach, B., Schmidt, S. V, Beyer, M., Mallmann, M. R., Staratschek-Jox, A., Schultze, J. L. & Neumann, H. Unique transcriptome signature of mouse microglia. Glia 61, 1429–1442 (2013).
Jux, B., Staratschek-Jox, A., Penninger, J. M., Schultze, J. L. & Kolanus, W. Vav1 regulates MHCII expression in murine resting and activated B cells. Int. Immunol. 25, 307–317 (2013).
Böttcher, J. P., Schanz, O., Wohlleber, D., Abdullah, Z., Debey-Pascher, S., Staratschek-Jox, A., Höchst, B., Hegenbarth, S., Grell, J., Limmer, A., Atreya, I., Neurath, M. F., Busch, D. H., Schmitt, E., van Endert, P., Kolanus, W., Kurts, C., Schultze, J. L., Diehl, L. & Knolle, P. A. Liver-Primed Memory T Cells Generated under Noninflammatory Conditions Provide Anti-infectious Immunity. Cell Rep. 3, 779–795 (2013).
Roth, W., Kumar, V., Beer, H.-D., Richter, M., Wohlenberg, C., Reuter, U., Thiering, S., Staratschek-Jox, A., Hofmann, A., Kreusch, F., Schultze, J. L., Vogl, T., Roth, J., Reichelt, J., Hausser, I. & Magin, T. M. Keratin 1 maintains skin integrity and participates in an inflammatory network in skin through interleukin-18. . J. Cell Sci. 125, 5269 LP-5279 (2012).
Herzfeld, T., Nolte, D., Grznarova, M., Hofmann, A., Schultze, J. L. & Müller, U. X-linked dystonia parkinsonism syndrome (XDP, lubag): disease-specific sequence change DSC3 in TAF1/DYT3 affects genes in vesicular transport and dopamine metabolism. . Hum. Mol. Genet. 22, 941–951 (2013).
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Schmidt, S. V., Nino-Castro, A. C. & Schultze, J. L.Regulatory dendritic cells: There is more than just immune activation. Front. Immunol. 3, 1–17 (2012).