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Study by the University of Bonn finds possible links to Parkinson's disease

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Study with participation of the University of Bonn: Increased levels of blood fats in people with type 2 diabetes are more harmful than assumed

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Master student Santiago Maya receives funding

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A team of researchers led by the University of Bonn proves surprising effect on fruit flies

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Study of the University of Bonn shows: Protein catalyzes an important metabolic step and additionally regulates gene activity

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The Waseda University of Tokyo honors his long-standing commitment to the mutual cooperation

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Cereblon (CRBN) is a highly conserved protein across the animal and plant kingdoms. Human CRBN has gained prominence as the primary target of...

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Misregulation of lipid homeostasis is often associated with pathogenic changes such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration or...

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Lichtmikroskopische Aufnahme einer lebenden Drosophila

Forscher der Universitäten Bonn und Leipzig entdecken Mechanismus zur Bekämpfung von Krankheitserregern

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Das Science Rallye-Team

with the topic "What can we learn from zebrafish and Drosophila about human diseases?"

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