News Archive

The Collaborative Research Center 704 "Molecular Mechanisms and Chemical Modulation of Local Immune Regulation" has been officially extended for a 3rd...

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After a successful first term, The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved funds for the Trans-Regional Collaborative Research Centre 83 (SFB...

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Over the last 10 years at the University of Bonn, females have made up 50-60% of enrollment into Bachelors, Masters, and PhD programs. This is a...

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On 11 November 2013, Dr. Wassermann (Prof. Bajorath Lab) was awarded the CIC Award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of computational...

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Professor Michael Famulok of the University of Bonn is the new Vice President of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The General Assembly of the DFG...

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On 29 June 2013, young scientist Dr. Anke Bill was honored with the Cord -Michael Becker Prize. The Medical Faculty of the...

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Signing of a new cooperation agreement and the award of three Bayer Promotion Prizes for outstanding doctoral dissertations.

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The LIMES building in Poppelsdorf has emerged as a centre for life sciences in recent years: This podcast presents the LIMES concept and takes you...

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