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University of Bonn appoints two new Argelander Professors specializing in organoid biology

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University of Bonn’s ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence invites you to join it in the city center on April 29

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Researchers discuss at a four-day symposium of the TRAs "Modelling" and "Life and Health" and the Clusters of Excellence HCM and ImmunoSensation2

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Study by the University of Bonn provides the first precise insight into important remodeling processes in adipose tissue

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As part of the long-term partnership between Waseda University in Tokyo and the University of Bonn, twelve students from the Japanese partner...

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Renate and Karlheinz Schmidt Award for basic scientific research

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Study at the University of Bonn identifies mechanism otherwise found in metastasizing cancer cells

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Study by the University of Bonn finds possible links to Parkinson's disease

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APIS Assay Technologies Ltd acquires startup Clickmer Systems, which is developing antibody alternative

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Celebrate this years Day of Immunology with us, and find out what your immune system is capable of!

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