Events & Seminars
An important activity at the LIMES institute is to organize and host both academic and community focused events. These include regular seminars by leading national and international experts, joint conferences with our international partners and interactive workshops and information sessions for students.
List of events
Date | Title |
03.04.25 12:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Immunity to infection: keep it real" Prof. Anca Dorhoi, Institut für Immunologie, Universität Greifswald |
24.03.25 16 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | MagNet Seminar: "Skin Across the Life Span: The Role of Macrophages in Human Skin" Dr. Elena Winheim, Postdoctoral Fellow at Haniffa Lab, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge |
13.03.25 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Microglia in early brain development: a window of opportunity" Prof. Sonia Garel, IBENS-ENS Collège de France |
11.03.25 16:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Organoid Club: "Tumor microenvironment on-chip model for precision drug discovery in pancreatic cancer" Nicole Teusch, University of Düsseldorf |
19.02.25 12:00 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Microtubules as mediators of stress and repair" Prof. Susana Godinho, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London |
20.01.25 16:00 Uhr LIMES, zoom | LIMES-MagNet: "Epigenomic Control of Adipose Tissue Macrophages" Nicolas Venteclef, Group Leader, Immunity and Metabolism of Diabetes, Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Paris |
08.11.24 12:00 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Insights into the innate and adaptive biology of γδ T cells" Prof. Sarina Ravens, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Institute of Immunology |
04.11.24 16:00 Uhr LIMES, zoom | LIMES-MagNet: "Intestinal macrophages in health and disease" Nathalie Stakenborg, PhD, Laboratory for Intestinal Neuroimmune Interaction, TARGID, KU Leuven |
30.10.24 15:00 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Between the Tides - Ebbs and flows of microglia in health and disease" Jun.Prof. Katrin Kierdorf, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Institute of Neuropathology |
02.07.24 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "From conformational dynamics to nuclear transport: Insights gained from single molecule Fluorescence" Dr. Anders Barth, Department of Bionanoscience, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands |
14.06.24 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Structural and functional coupling of epidermal cells to nociceptors in Drosophila" Dr. Jay Z. Parrish, Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, Department of Biology |
10.06.24 15:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Endomembrane organelle organisation in tissue renewal and aging" Dr. Sandra Scharaw, MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden |
05.-08.05.24 LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES Conference Nutritional Homeostasis Workshop V |
29.05.24 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Exploring the therapeutic potential of Nonsense-Mediated Decay Inhibition in Small Cell Lung Cancer" Dr. Lucía Torres Fernandez, Department of Translational Genomics of the University of Cologne |
06.03.24 12 Uhr Hörsaalzentrum (HSZ) CP-1, HS 5 | LIMES-WiS: "Deciphering muscle stem cell heterogeneity and pool sizes through integration of transcriptomics, advanced imaging and functional studies at the scale of individual cells" Dr. Josephine Bageritz, Centre for Organismal Studies, University of Heidelberg |
27.02.24 12 Uhr Hörsaalzentrum (HSZ) CP-1, HS 5 | LIMES-WiS: "Multiplexing novel functions of myeloid cells in solid tumor microenvironments" Dr. María Casanova-Acebes, Cancer Immunity Group, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Madrid, Spain |
19.01.24 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Title will follow" Prof. Tatjana Tchumatchenko, Institute for Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research of the University of Bonn Medical Center |
18.01.24 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Spatial and functional heterogeneity of gut macrophages" Dr. Tovah Shaw, BBSRC Discovery Fellow, Lecturer in Immunology, Institute of Immunology & Infection Research, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh |
14.11.23 13 Uhr Hörsaalzentrum (HSZ) CP-1, HS 5 | LIMES guest: "The unique RNA signatures of the nervous system: regulation and function" Dr. Valérie Hilgers, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg |
02.11.23 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Distinct regulation of inflammatory responses in dendritic cell subpopulations" Prof. Dr. Diana Dudziak, Director of the Institute of Immunology, Jena University Hospital |
03.05.23 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Novel immunotherapeutic drugs through computational protein design" Dr. Clara T. Schoeder, Junior Research Group Leader University of Leipzig |
29.04.23 10-18 Uhr Bonner Marktplatz | ImmunoSensation2 Internationaler Tag der Immunologie Wissenschaft zum Anfassen mit Vorträgen in der Stadtbibliothek |
20.04.23 13 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Collective mechanisms for cell differentiation in early mammalian development" Dr. Christian Schröter, Group Leader Max-Planck Institute for molecular physiology, Dortmund |
17.-20.04.23 Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn | Bonn Conference on Mathematical Life Sciences jointly organized by the Clusters of Excellence Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) and ImmunoSensation2, the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRA) "Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems" and "Life and Health", and the Interdisciplinary Research Unit Mathematics and Life Sciences |
22.03.23 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Coordinating cytoskeletal dynamics – why is it important for neuronal health and disease?" Dr. Ines Hahn, Lecturer in Biomedical Science Department of Biology University of York, York, UK |
13.03.23 DJH Bonn, Saal Bayern |
Joint Symposium; University of Bonn and Waseda University, Tokyo |
18.01.23 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 + hybrid | LIMES-WiS: "Unravelling hepatic macrophage functional heterogeneity in time and space" Prof. Dr. Charlotte Scott, VIB Group Leader, Center for Inflammation Research, University of Ghent, Belgium |
30.11.22 10 Uhr CP1-HSZ, HS 5 + hybrid | LIMES-WiS: "Visualizing the inner life of microbes" Dr. Ulrike Endesfelder, Research Group Leader Institute of Microbiology & Biotechnology, University of Bonn |
26.10.22 12 Uhr CP1-HSZ, HS 6 | LIMES-WiS: "DNA-PAINT single-particle tracking (DNA-PAINT-SPT) enables extended single-molecule studies of membrane protein interactions" Dr. Kristina Ganzinger, Research Group Leader, AMOLF Physics of Cellular Interactions |
07.09.22 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Experimental MRI in infectious, inflammatory, and cardiovascular disease models" Prof. Dr. Verena Hörr, Group-leader, Clinic for Internal Medicine II, Cardiovascular Imaging, University of Bonn |
25.05.22 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "A novel component of multiple vacuolar contact sites is required for cellular sphingolipid homeostasis" Dr. Ayelen Gonzalez Montoro, Group-leader of research group Cellular communication, University of Osnabrück |
26.04.22 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "The role of FOXO transcription factors in different endothelial cells" Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wilhelm-Jüngling, Junior Professor – Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences, Medical faculty of the University of Bonn |
22.03.22 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "The influence of state and context on perception and behavior" Prof. Dr. Ilona Grunwald-Kadow, Neuronal Control of Metabolism, TUM Technical University of Munich |
08.02.22 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Unraveling Cell division: from single molecule biophysics to live cell STED nanoscopy" Prof. Rifka Vlijm, Assistant Professor Molecular Biophysics, University of Groningen-Netherlands |
18.01.22 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Genetics investigation of challenging women predominant forms of cardiovascular diseases" Dr. Nabila Bouatia-Naji, Director of research, INSERM, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC) - Université de Paris |
23.11.21 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Regulation of dormant hematopoietic stem cells" Dr. Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid, Research Group Leader - Max-Planck Institute for Immunebiology und Epigenetic, Freiburg |
02.11.21 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Membrane-cytoskeleton crosstalk for the spatiotemporal coordination of immunity" Prof. Dr. Cinzia Anita Maria Progida, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Norway |
19.10.21 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Can immune correlates predict the likelihood of acquiring HIV infection?" Dr. Christiane Krystelle Nganou-Makamdop, Research Group Leader - Institute of Clinical and Molecular Virology, University Hospital Erlangen |
12.10.21 19:15 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "G-Protein-Coupled-Receptors" Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Brian Kobilka M.D, Stanford University |
23.09.21 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Expanding the repertoire of de novo protein assemblies: secretion optimized and polymorphic assemblies" Prof. Dr. Alena Khmelinskaia, Junior Professor at Limes Institute, Protein Design and self-assembly |
13.07.21 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Survival-independent functions of neuronal autophagy" Prof. Dr. Natalia Kononenko, Research Group Leader - CECAD Research Center Cologne, Cluster of Excellence at the University of Cologne |
20.05.21 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "A big data approach for personalised infection medicine" Prof. Dr. Yang Li, Head of Department Computational Biology for Individualised Infection Medicine Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine (CiiM), Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research & Hannover Medical School |
11.05.21 15 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | enaCom meets LIMES: „Show me the money!“: Wie Du an Fördergeld für Gründungsideen kommst Transfer Center enaCom, University of Bonn |
14.04.21 11 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES guest: "Neuro-Vascular communication in the CNS during development" Carmen Ruiz de Almodovar, Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim, Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
09.04.21 15 Uhr via zoom | Öffentlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrag zur Endevaluation der Tenure-Track-Professur von Prof. Dr. Eva Kiermaier: "Physiological function of amplified centrosomes in immune cells" |
14.04.21 9:30-14:30 Uhr NGS-CN, via zoom | Public Workshop Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN) |
25.03.21 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Statistical laws of protein motion in dendrites" Prof. Tatjana Tchumatchenko, Computational Neuroscience of Behavior, University of Bonn |
16.03.21 9-13 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | Symposium "German-Japanese Joint Symposium between the University of Bonn and Waseda University" |
20.01.21 19:15 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Tcells on the attack against cancer and infection" Prof. Dr. Michael Dustin, Director of the Kennedy Institute, University of Oxford |
19.01.21 14 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "Delineating mechanisms of immune tailoring at the oral barrier" Dr. Joanne Konkel, David Phillips Fellow, Division of Infection, Immunity & Respiratory Medicine, School of Biological Science, Manchester, UK |
03.12.20 19:15 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Can we ever treat Alzheimers disease?" Prof. Dr. Dr. Haass, BioMedical Center (BMC), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich & German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) |
01.12.20 12 Uhr via zoom | ImmunoSensation Cluster seminar: "Fast runners and lazy couchpotatoes: The spectrum of migrating immune cells" Dr. Tim Lämmermann, Max Planck Institute of Immunbiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany |
24.11.20 14 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES-WiS: "microRNAs: gatekeepers of time and space for brain wiring" Dr. Marie-Laure Baudet, Associate Professor, Head of the Armenise Harvard Laboratory of Axonal Neurobiology, University of Trento |
11.11.20 15 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | LIMES Seminar: "Local Protein Synthesis in Neurons" Prof. Dr. Erin Schuman, Goethe University Frankfurt, Director MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt |
09./10.11.20 via zoom | ImmunoSensation Seminar: "Digital Cluster Science Days 2020" |
03.11.20 12 Uhr LIMES, via zoom | Seminar: "The Lives of Tissue Macrophages" Prof. Melanie Greter, University of Zurich |
19.02.20 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Fatty acid metabolism in control of macrophage and T cell function in multiple sclerosis" Dr. Jeroen Bogie, Hasselt University, Biomedical Research Institute |
19.02.20 10 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES Seminar: First Bonn LIMES Mini-Neuroscience Symposium Dr. Peter Soba, University of Hamburg, Dr. Katrin Vogt, Harvard University, Dr. Armin Bahl, Harvard University |
10.12.19 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "The peroxisome-lipid network: defining a new branch of immunometabolism" Francescca Di Cara, Assistent Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Dalhousie University, Canada |
04.12.19 09:15 Uhr Hörsaal VIII | Dies Academicus: "Mathematische Modellierung in den Lebenswissenschaften: Von Daten zu Vorhersagen" Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Jan Hasenauer, LIMES-Institut, Rechnergestützte Lebenswissenschaften |
28.11.19 19 Uhr Wolfgang-Paul-Saal | Universitätsclub Bonn "Ein Organ auf Wanderschaft: Wie funktioniert das GPS von Immunzellen?" Prof. Waldemar Kolanus, LIMES Institute, Molecular Immunology and Cell Biology |
LIMES, 3. OG I-301 | BFB, BIGS LIMES & BIGS ImmunoSensation Workshop: Lipidomics Prof. Christoph Thiele, LIMES Institute, Biochemistry & Cell Biology of Lipids |
14.05.19 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Immune Signals in Cancer" Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ruland, Director Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, TU München |
13.05.19 13:30-17:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Bonn Waseda University Day "Workshop on Advanced Research for Ageing Society"
7.-10.5.19 LIMES, EG I-001 | Symposium "4th Bonn Nutrition Meeting" organizer: Prof. Michael Pankratz |
30.04.19 17:00 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Expanding the 'layered' immune system" Rebecca Gentek (PhD), Centre d´immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML) |
12.04.19 13:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "RNA aptamers as genetic control devices - the potential of riboswitches as synthetic elements for regulating gene expression" Prof. Beatrix Süß, Technical University Darmstadt, Department of Biology |
05.04.19 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Master Information Day: "Information day on our master's programs Biochemistry and Immunobiology" lectures, personal talks and tour through the institute |
12.03.19 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | ImmunoSensation Cluster seminar: "How T cells deliver a helping hand or a death sentence" Michael Dustin, Professor of Immunology, Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, Director of Research of the Kennedy Institute, University of Oxford, UK |
11.03.19 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Genes from the Marine window" Shobhit Agrawal, GCP – Service International, Bremen |
11.03.19 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Human gd T cells: looking through an epigenetic window" Jaydeep Bhat, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin |
09.02.19 ab 10 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Wissenschaftsrallye in Bonn-Poppelsdorf: LIMES ist eine Station der 11. Wissenschaftsrallye für junge Forscher zwischen 13 und 17 Jahren Infos unter |
15.01.19 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "How to assess animal welfare?" Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser, Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster |
15.01.19 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Development and Diseases of Tissue Macrophages" Dr. Frederic Geissmann, William E. Sneer Chair of Immunology, Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York |
21.12.18 14 Uhr Festsaal, Hauptgebäude | Alumni-Symposium "15 Jahre Molekulare Biomedizin" Alumni aus allen Diplomjahrgängen (Start 2003-2006) werden nachmittags Vorträge aus der Wissenschaft und über ihre Karrierewege halten. -> Program |
04.12.18 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Dendritic cell migration: from microfluidics to in vivo imaging" Dr. Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil, Institute Curie / U932 Inserm, France |
29.11.18 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Regulation of stem cell fate by niche-derived signals and forces" Prof. Dr. Sara Wickström, Helsinki Institute of Life Science, University of Helsinki and MPI for Biology of Ageing, Cologne |
21.11.18 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Proteome stability and flavoproteins: in biochemical focus of infection, stress and aging" Dr. Ramunas Martin Vabulas, Research Group Leader, Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main |
08.11.18 19:30 Uhr Zoologie Hörsaal, Popp Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "The stripes of Zebrafish: Development and evolution of biological aesthetics" Prof. Dr. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Director Emeritus and Scientific Member at the MPI of Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Nobel Prizelaureate 1995 |
06.07.18 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "From epigenetics of alpha beta T cells to memory of gamma delta T cells" Katarzyna Placek, PhD, Bonn University/LIMES Institute, Immunology and Metabolism |
29.06.18 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Probing the proteome and the transcriptome with small molecules: a chemist’s perspective" Dr. Andrei Ursu, Scripps Research Institute (Jupiter, Florida, USA) |
25.06.18 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | ImmunoSensation Seminar: "Live imaging of skin immune responses" Dr. Kenji Kabashima, Principal Investigator at the IMB/SIgN, Professor in Dermatology at Kyoto University |
14.06.18 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Immunometabolism in the adipose tissue from a macrophage prospective" Dr. Tal Pecht, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
18.05.18 15:00 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Dynamic Changes in Immune Cells During Gliobastoma Response to Treatment: Macrophages at Play" Leila Akkari, PhD, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), Div. of Tumor Biology & Immunology |
08.05.18 18:30 Uhr Hauptgebäude HS1 | Ringvorlesung: Herausforderungen der biomedizinischen Forschung "Zellwanderung im Immunsystem", Dr. Eva Kiermaier, LIMES "Das Immunsystem in der Embryonalentwicklung", Dr. Elvira Mass, LIMES |
17.04.18 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "The Neurovascular link" Prof. Dr. Amparo Acker-Palmer, Chair Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Goethe-University Frankfurt |
06.-08.03.18 Festsaal, Hauptgebäude | 4th Core-to-Core International Symposium: 3D Lab-Exchange Program Interaction of Nano-Biotechnology, Chemical and Medical Biology and Robotics |
30.01.18 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Genome editing - where precaution meets innovation" Prof. Dr. Detlef Bartsch, Head of the Dep. "Gene Technology", Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Berlin |
27.01.18 ab 10 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Wissenschaftsrallye in Bonn-Poppelsdorf: LIMES ist eine Station der 11. Wissenschaftsrallye für junge Forscher zwischen 13 und 17 Jahren Infos unter |
19.12.17 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | ImmunoSensation Seminar: "The communication between T cells and myeloid cells in tissue inflammation" Professor Burkhard Becher, University of Zurich, Institute of Experimental Immunology |
30.11.17 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Plasmacytoid dendritic cell development" Prof. Dr. Roxane Tussiwand, Immune Regulation, Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel |
16.11.17 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "The power of cryo-EM to elucidate biological mechanisms" Prof. Dr. Stefan Raunser, Director of the Department of Structural Biochemistry at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund |
07.11.17 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | ImmunoSensation Seminar: "Engineering Inorganic-Biological Interfaces: Fluidic Cell Access and Measuring Cell Activity" Associate Professor Nicholas A. Melosh, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, USA |
14.07.17 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "The Role of Tetraspanin-2 in Innate Immunity and Neuroinflammation" PD Dr. med. Judith Alferink, Department of Psychiatry, University of Münster, Cluster of Excellence "Cells in Motion" |
04.05.17 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | WiS seminar: "Karriere und Familienförderung an der Universität Bonn" Sandra Hanke, Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte und Xenia Lehr, Leiterin Familienbüro, Universität Bonn |
06.04.17 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "The role of neuronal surface receptor diversity and compartmentalized use of cell growth pathways: New molecular principles in synaptic circuit development, dysfunction, and repair?" Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schmucker, VIB-KU Leuven, Center for Brain and Disease Research |
13.03.17 10 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "A conserved network of co-regulated lipids modulates innate immune and receptor responses" Dr. Marielle Köberlin, Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University |
08.03.17 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Integrative analysis of epigenetics data for the prediction of transcriptional regulators" Dr. Marcel Schulz, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland University |
09.12.16 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Ontogeny of tissue-resident macrophages and their roles in health and disease" Dr. Elvira Mass, The Frederic Geissmann Lab, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York |
23.11.16 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Bakteriophagen als nützliche Viren - von Molekularbiologie bis Humanmedizin" Dr. Johannes Wittmann, Leibniz-Institut DSMZ - Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Braunschweig |
15.11.16 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Learning and plasticity in the honeybee mushroom body - physiological evidence and computational modeling" Prof. Martin Paul Nawrot, Computational Systems Neuroscience/ Animal Physiology Institute for Zoology - Department of Biology University of Cologne |
02.11.16 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "An unexpected Lipid Droplet (LD) - Peroxisome liaison: Peroxin-mediated Biogenesis of LD-Destined Membrane Proteins" Dr. Bianca Schrul, Department of Biology, Stanford University |
28.10.16 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Stress-Habituation, Körperform und kardiovaskuläre Mortalität" Prof. Dr. Achim Peters, Hirnforscher, Diabetologe und Internist, Universität zu Lübeck |
28.10.16 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Role of epigenetics in CD4+ T lymphocyte differentiation: imprints form the past and implications for the future" Dr. Julia Polansky-Biskup, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin |
19.10.16 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Chemokine Recognition during Immune Cell Migration" Dr. Eva Kiermaier, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria |
12.10.16 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "Sphingolipids biosynthesis in bacteria and their role in environmental adaptation" Dr. Itamar Yadid, Migal Galilee research institute, Israel |
19.09.16 10 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Symposium "18th German-Japanese Joint Symposium between the University of Bonn and Waseda University"
09.09.16 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Understanding antigen specificity of CD4+ T cell responses to Salmonella infection is key to vaccine design" Nancy Wang, PhD, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, Australia |
02.09.16 13:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Modulatory circuits in innate host defense" Prof. Mihai G. Netea, Head of the Lab. of Experimental Internal Medicine, Radboud Univ. Nijmegen Med. Ctr. |
01.07.16 ab 15:30 Uhr LIMES, Terrasse | LIMES-WiS: Summer barbecue event Bitte eigenes Grillgut mitbringen. Für alles andere wird gesorgt. |
01.07.16 14:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: "Innate Immunity Modulates Pathogenesis of Neurotropic Viral Infections" Prof. Dr. Andrea Kröger, Institute of Medical Microbiology, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg |
28.06.16 17 Uhr Hörsaal BMZ | SFB 704: "Orchestration of T cell mediated tumor rejection by macrophages and eosinophils" Prof. Günter Hämmerling, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg |
14.06.16 17 Uhr Hörsaal BMZ | SFB 704: "Exit cues for leukocyte migration into inflamed tissues" Prof. Ronen Alon, Department of Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel |
09.06.16 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Lessons from dissecting monocyte/macrophage response in human disease" Prof. Subhra Kumar Biswas, A* STAR Singapore Immunology Network, Principle Investigator, National University of Singapore |
03.06.16 ab 18:00 Uhr Blaue Grotte, Hauptgebäude | Beitrag zur 10. Bonner Wissenschaftsnacht Wasserwelten: "Was ein Wasserbewohner – der Zebrafisch – über menschliche Erkrankungen lehrt" Dr. Bernhard Fuß, AG Hoch, LIMES-Institut, Universität Bonn |
1.-4.05.16 LIMES, EG I-001 | Workshop: "Nutritional Homeostasis Workshop" Organizers: Michael Pankratz, LIMES, University of Bonn, and Geraldine Wright, Newcastle University, England |
28.04.16 10:00 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB TRR83: "Ceramides in Anoxia" Dr. Thomas Hannich, Department of Biochemistry, University of Geneva |
26.04.16 17 Uhr Hörsaal BMZ | SFB 704: "Metastasis: a matter of teamwork" Dr. Ilaria Malanchi, Tumour-Host Interaction Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, London |
21.04.16 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Imaging Heart Formation and Function in Zebrafish" Prof. Dr. Didier Stainier, Director of the Dep. Developmental Genetics, MPI for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim |
15.04.16 14:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB TRR83: "Regulation of lipid and blood glucose transport across the endothelium by vascular endothelial growth factor-B signaling" Dr. Christine Mössinger, Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vascular Biology Unit |
16.02.16 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: “Getting Splicing and Translation up to Speed in T Cell Responses” Dr. Elke Glasmacher, Institute of Diabetes and Obesity (IDO), Helmholtz Zentrum München |
02.02.16 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Human antigen presenting cells - from adult to fetus" Naomi McGovern, Ph.D., Florent Ginhoux Lab, Singapore Immunology Network, Singapore |
28.01.16 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Nongenetic inheritance of the impact of traumatic stress across generations in mice" Prof. Dr. Isabelle M. Mansuy, Lab of Neuroepigenetics, Brain Research Institute University and ETH Zürich |
28.01.16 16:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB TRR83: "Atypical Sphingolipids: Solving the Riddle of the Sphinx Provides New Insights in Cardiometabolic Diseases" Dr. Alaa Othman, Institute for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Lübeck |
25.01.16 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Functional adaptation of thymic APCs for T cell repertoire selection" Prof. Ludger Klein, Institute for Immunology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
23.01.16 10-16 Uhr Poppelsdorf | 9. Wissenschaftsrallye in Bonn-Poppelsdorf für Schüler zwischen 13 und 17 Jahren: GPS-Koordinaten, Pflanzenvielfalt, Edelsteine, Roboter, Zahlenspiele, Weltkarten, Experimente - die Themen reichen von der Astronomie, Biologie und Landwirtschaft über Paläontologie, Geodäsie und Chemie bis hin zur Mathematik, Meteorologie, Mineralogie und Physik. Insgesamt 14 Institute beteiligen sich an der akademischen Schnitzeljagd. Start- und Zielpunkt ist das Meinhard Heinze-Haus an der Poppelsdorfer Allee 49. |
14.01.16 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Single Cell Genomics: Tools For Computational Analysis With Application To T-cell Function" Assistant Professor Nir Yosef, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Center for Computational Biology, UC Berkeley |
12.01.16 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "The identification of pro-inflammatory human 6-sulfo LacNAc (slan) dendritic cells and their role in skin inflammation" Prof. Knut Schäkel, Dep. of Dermatology, University of Heidelberg |
11.01.16 19 Uhr FAZ-Café/Infopunkt | "hörbar": Prof. Dr. Waldemar Kolanus & seine Lieblingslektüren Bonner Professorinnen & Professoren aller "couleur" stellen im Gespräch mit Anja Stadler, Kulturintendantin & Leiterin des litterariums, ihre literarischen Lieblingslektüren vor |
03./04.12.15 LIMES, EG I-001 | Seminar "German Fly Metabolism Meeting 2015"
20.11.15 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Gehen Allergien an die Nerven?" PD Dr. med. Eva Peters, Leitung Psychoneuroimmunologie Labor, Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Charité Berlin und Uniklinikum Gießen |
19.11.15 16:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB TRR83: "The brain Renin-Angiotensin-System plays a crucial role in regulating body weight in diet-induced rat obesity" Prof. Walter Raasch, Institute for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Lübeck |
16.11.15 10 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Seminar "Academic collaborations to advance early-stage drug discovery" PROvendis in cooperation with Technology Transfer agency of the Medical Research Council "MRC Technology”, and the Lead Discovery Center (LDC) |
10.11.15 17 Uhr Hörsaal BMZ | SFB 704: "Physiologic and immunopathologic features of single cells and whole organs revealed by 2-Photon and lightsheet microscopy" Prof. Matthias Gunzer, Inst. für Experimentelle Immunologie und Bildgebung, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
20.10.15 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Special Seminar on Next Generation Optogenetics: "Light-driven enzyme activities" Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gärtner, MPI für Chemische Energiekonversion, Mühlheim |
06.10.15 10:30 Uhr Hörsaal BMZ, Uniklinik Bonn | SFB 704: "Myeloid cells, T cells and Legionella infection in the lung" Prof. Ian van Driel, Dep. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Melbourne |
05.10.15 17:00 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | ImmunoSensation Seminar: "Controlling the Input and Output of Germinal Centers: Roles of Myb and PRMT1" Prof. David Tarlinton, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne |
06.07.15 17:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Microphage microglia and diet Club: "Intestinal microbiome and chronic inflammation in the gut” Prof. Dr. Dirk Haller, TUM |
25.06.15 19:00 Uhr Forschungszentrum caesar, Hörsaal | iGEM-Team Bonn "Science Slam" 6 Wissenschaftler präsentieren ihren Forschungsbereich auf lustige Weise. Das Publikum prämiert den besten Vortrag. |
23.06.15 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "Chemoproteomics Profiling of Protein-Lipid Complexes" Dr. Per Haberkant, Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, EMBL Heidelberg |
08.06.15 15:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Microphage microglia and diet Club: "Cellular origin and functional specialization of tissue-resident macrophages” Martin Guilliams, Junior Investigator, VIB Ghent University, Belgium |
21.05.15 19:00 Uhr Forschungszentrum caesar, Hörsaal | Wissenschaftliches Quartett "Wie wird die Wissenschaft die Medizin im Jahr 2050 verändert haben?" Rektor Prof. Hoch, Prof. Kaupp (caesar), Prof. Kolanus (LIMES) und Prof. Schultze (LIMES) |
20.05.15 10:15 Uhr Hörsaal I, Uni-Hauptgebäude | Antrittsvorlesung Dr. Marc Beyer (AG Schultze) "Genetisches Engineering mittels Designer-Nukleasen: Der Beginn einer neuen Ära in Medizin und Biologie?" |
19.05.15 17 Uhr Hörsaal BMZ | SFB 704: "Transcutaneous Immunization – Regulation of local inflammatory responses to generate systemic tumor immunity" PD Dr. Markus P. Radsak, III. Medizinische Klinik, Universität Mainz |
29.04.15 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "The Resolution Revolution" Prof. Dr. Werner Kühlbrandt, Director of the Dep. of Structural Biology, Max-Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt |
27.04.15 17:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Microphage microglia and diet Club: "Regulation of metabolism and immune functions through metabolite GPCRs” Prof. Dr. Stefan Offermanns, Bad Nauheim |
20.04.15 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: “Exploring the Molecular Signature of Mammalian Touch and Pain - Insights into Health and Disease” Dr. Manuela Schmidt, Somatosensory Signaling, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Göttingen |
31.03.15 11-19 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: Mini-Symposium: "Epigenetics and Chromatin Structure” Speakers: Uta-Maria Bauer (Marburg), Milena G. Kirilova (Sofia), Jacqueline Mermoud (Marburg), Karen Reddy (Baltimore), Judith Zaugg (Heidelberg) |
25.03.15 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Flying high with prions: transmissible mammalian prion disease modeled in Drosophila" Dr. Raymond Bujdoso, CU Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge |
23.03.15 16-18 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Infonachmittag: "Big Data Science - Berufsperspektiven nach Studium und Promotion" Vertreter aus den Life Sciences und aus der Wirtschaft führen in das spannende, innovative und zukunftsträchtige Feld der Big Data Science ein. |
26.02.15 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: “Mitochondria in need for peroxisomes in murine hepatocytes” Prof. Myriam Baes, Laboratory for Cell Metabolism, University of Leuven |
24.02.15 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Bonner Hochschultage für Schülerinnen und Schüler: "Molekulare Biomedizin, Fragen - Konzepte - Studium" Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, LIMES-Institut |
28.01.15 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Der Duft der Gene - was bei der Partnerwahl wirklich entscheidet" Prof. Dr. Manfred Milinski, Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Plön |
20.01.15 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Therapeutic T cell vaccination through antigen targeting into cross-presenting dendritic cells" Prof. Richard Kroczek, Molekulare Immunologie, Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin |
13.01.15 14:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Habilitationskolloquium: "Die Haut als Barriereorgan" Dr. Marc Beyer, LIMES-Institut |
12.01.15 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "The New Sphingolipid Biology of Single Dose Radiotherapy" Richard N. Kolesnick, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute, New York |
16.12.14 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Immunpathologie und Therapie von Antikörper-vermittelten neurologischen Erkrankungen" Jun. Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Kleiter, Zentrum für Klinische Forschung, Universitäts Klinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
09.12.14 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "What makes Th17 cells pathogenic?" Prof. Ari Waisman, Institut für Molekulare Medizin Mainz |
03.12.14 11:15 Uhr Hörsaal X | Dies Academicus: "Wie wird die Wissenschaft die Medizin im Jahr 2050 verändert haben? Ein Gespräch" Prof. Benjamin Kaupp, Prof. Joachim Schultze, Prof. Waldemar Kolanus |
02.12.14 18 Uhr caesar | Music and Brain: with Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch and "Quatuor pour la fin du temps" (Messiaen) "You are what you eat? Influence of nutrition on neurodegeneration in fruit flies" |
01.12.14 19 Uhr FAZ-Café/Infopunkt | "hörbar": Prof. Dr. Waldemar Kolanus & seine Lieblingslektüren Bonner Professorinnen & Professoren aller "couleur" stellen im Gespräch mit Anja Stadler, Kulturintendantin & Leiterin des litterariums, ihre literarischen Lieblingslektüren vor - CANCELED DUE TO ILLNESS |
25.11.14 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Lipid signaling in immunity and sepsis" Prof. Markus Gräler, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Jena |
21.11.14 13 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Microfluidic Single Cell Analysis – New Opportunities for Bioprocess Development?" Dr. Dietrich Kohlheyer, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
14.11.14 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Thymocyte developmental migration: the emerging role of plexinD1-sema3E control of β1 integrin adhesion upon selection" Dr. Jonathan Duke-Cohan, Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston |
13.11.14 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "Controlling human sperm behaviour: Ca2+ signals, Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ stores" Prof. Steve Publicover, University of Birmingham |
07.11.14 11 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES guest: "Neuronal circuits mediating associative learning in Drosophila" Prof. Dr. André Fiala, Schwann-Schleiden-Forschungszentrum, Molekulare Neurobiologie des Verhaltens, Göttingen, Germany |
30.10.14 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "The Lamarckian Brain: Epigenetic processes in neurodegeneration" Prof. André Fischer, University Medical Center Göttingen |
22.-24.10.14 LIMES, EG I-001 | Tumour Infiltrating Myeloid Cell Compartment (TIMCC) Symposium "Systems Approaches meet the Tumor Microenvironment" Mid Term Meeting and Training Workshop |
25.09.14 17 Uhr Hörsaal 1, BMZ | SFB 704: "Therapeutic Clearance of the Virally Infected Nervous System is Mediated by Noncytopathic T cell interactions with Resident Myeloid Cells" Dr. Jasmin Herz, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda |
09.09.14 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "Plant cell and organ growth regulation by trihelix transcription factors" Dr. Christian Breuer, Biocenter/Botanical Institute, Universität Köln |
04.09.14 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "Cellular nano-systems defined by free energy gain - Cluster phases as an alternative mechanism for the formation of specialized nano-domains in biomembranes" Prof. Nicolas Destainville, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Université Paul Sabatier/CNRS, Toulouse |
02.09.14 17 Uhr Hörsaal 1, BMZ | SFB 704: "Yolky beginnings – The origin of macrophages" Dr. Christian Schulz, Division of Immunology, King`s College London |
30.08.14 14 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | German-Japanese Joint Young Investigator Symposium Metabolic Sensing: Biology and Nano-Medicine Waseda University, Tokyo, and University of Bonn |
21.08.14 4 pm LIMES Seminar room, Ground floor | SFB 645: "Computational approaches to study epigenetic regulation: Drosophila dosage compensation as a model system" Dr. Juanma Vaquerizas, MPI for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster |
17.07.14 16:30 Uhr Lecture hall 1, BMZ | SFB 704: "TCR Signal Intensity Dominantly Controls CD4+ T Cell Polarization In Vivo" Dr. Nicholas van Panhuys, Laboratory of Systems Biology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda |
09.07.14 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Global proteomics provides new insights into immunology and cancer" Dr. Philipp Mertins, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA |
08.07.14 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "The human gut microbiome: Stratification, variation and association to diseases" Dr. habil. Peer Bork, EMBL, Heidelberg |
30.06.14 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "The regulatory role of the canonical Wnt/betacatenin pathway in Alzheimer’s disease" Dr. Magdalena Sastre, Imperial College London |
17.06.14 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS/SFB 704: "Mechanisms and consequences of NFAT signaling pathway activation in innate immune cells" Prof. Francesca Granucci, Dept of Biotechnology and Biosciences, University of Milano-Bicocca |
16.06.14 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | The Curious Mind: "Vertrauen" Prof. Armin Falk, (Center for Economics and Neuroscience) Prof. Cornelia Richter (Systematische Theologie und Hermeneutik) Prof. Andreas Zimmer (Molekulare Psychiatrie) |
11.06.14 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | "Drosophila Olfaction – Coding Strategies in a Sensory Network" Dr. Silke Sachse BMBF Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Dep. of Evolutionary Neuroethology, Jena |
04.06.14 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Evolutionary and experimental biology of ageing: What can we learn from noncanonical model organisms?" Ph. D. Dario Valenzano, Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns, Köln |
21.05.14 14 Uhr LIMES, 3. OG I-301 | LIMES guest: "Regulation of quiescence and growth in larval neural stem cells in Drosophila melanogaster" Dr. Christian Berger, Institute of Genetics, University of Mainz |
21.05.14 13 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Forum des Fortschritts NRW: "Stammzellen - zwischen Hoffnung und Bedenken" Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft & Forschung des Landes NRW |
07.05.14 19 Uhr FAZ-Café/Infopunkt | Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch & seine Lieblingslektüren Bonner Professorinnen & Professoren aller "couleur" stellen im Gespräch mit Anja Stadler, Kulturintendantin & Leiterin des litterariums, ihre literarischen Lieblingslektüren vor |
07.05.14 12 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Habilitationsvortrag Dr. Marc Beyer (AG Schultze) "SATB1 als Schalter für Regulatorische T Zellen im Tumormikromilieu" |
08.04.14 17 Uhr Hörsaal 1, BMZ | SFB 704: "Surveillance of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in visceral adipose tissue" Dr. Susanne Stutte, Biozentrum, AG Lymphocyte Interaction, Institute for Immunology, LMU Munich |
01.04.14 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: “The role of extracellular vesicles in NK cell regulation” Prof. Dr. Elke Pogge von Strandmann, Innate Immunity Group, Klinik I für Innere Medizin, Universitätsklinikum Köln |
20.03.14 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "What makes a killer? Mapping the epigenetic blueprint for virus-specific T cell differentiation" Prof. Stephen Turner, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne |
24.02.14 16 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: “Schlüsselkompetenzen kompakt - Authentisch Handeln durch eine bessere Selbstkenntnis” Melanie Vogel, Futability®, Innovationsmanagement & Leadership, Bonn |
24.02.14 17 Uhr Hörsaal 1, BMZ | SFB 704: "New links between inflammasome activation and cell-autonomous immunity" Prof. Dr. Petr Broz, Biozentrum, University of Basel |
21.02.14 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "The immunology of Salmonella infections: lessons from the mouse model" Prof. Dick Strugnell, Dep. of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Melbourne |
08.02.14 10-16 Uhr LIMES, EG | 7. Wissenschaftsrallye in Bonn-Poppelsdorf |
15./16.01.14 Waseda University Tokyo | International Symposium on Integration of Chemistry and Bioscience |
09.01.14 19:15 Uhr Stucksaal, Poppelsdorfer Schloss | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Von Kindern und Kosmonauten: Neuro-Enhancement durch Sport und Bewegung" Priv.-Doz. Dr. Stefan Schneider; Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln |
03.12.13 19:15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | Poppelsdorfer Schlossgespräche: "Übergewicht, Diabetes und die drei Farben des Fetts" Prof. Stephan Herzig, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) |
25.11.13 18:30 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | The Curious Mind: "Coding and Decoding" Prof. Horst Bleckmann (Zoology) Prof. Markus Nöthen (Human Genetics) Dr. Gisela Fehrmann (Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research) Prof. Erik Fischer (Musikwissenschaft/Sound Studies) Anja Stadler (Culture Director) |
21.11.13 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 645: "Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer's Disease" Dr. Paul Hopkins, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, University of London |
21.11.13 15 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | LIMES-WiS: “Karriereplanung in der Forschung” Dr. Katrin Hahlen, Forschungsdezernat Abt. 7.1, Universität Bonn |
19.11.13 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "IRF5 expressing macrophages: regulation of inflammatory gene programme" Prof. Irina Udalova, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford |
14.11.13 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Ab initio characterization of the immune system using massively parallel single cell RNA-Seq" Prof. Ido Amit, Laboratory for Immuno-Genomics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
11.11.13 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Mechanisms of Gene Regulation in Immune Cells" Dr. Elke Glasmacher, Institute for Diabetes and Obesity, Helmholtz Zentrum München
05.11.13 17 Uhr LIMES, EG I-001 | SFB 704: "Antibodies modulate immune highways and dendritic cell trafficking" Dr. Menna Clatworthy, Department of Medicine, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge |