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Interview with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten and Prof. Dr. Mass

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The most important German youth award will be awarded on May 5 in Berlin.


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Molecular switch in bone marrow stem cells helps research into inflammatory processes in the brain


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Elvira Mass from the University of Bonn receives a coveted ERC Starting Grant. Research on tiny particles

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Here we report that osteoclasts that colonize fetal ossification centres originate from embryonic erythro-myeloid progenitors. These erythro-myeloid...

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Myelopoiesis ensures the steady state of the myeloid cell compartment. Technological advances in fate mapping and genetic engineering, as well as the...

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Since October 2017 Dr. Elvira Mass has been a new group leader at the LIMES Institute. Here she is not an unknown. After completing her biology...

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Yolk sac macrophage progenitors traffic to the embryo during defined stages of development

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