News Archive

Scientists at the University of Bonn identify previously unknown disease mechanism

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Researchers publish current coronavirus findings in "Cell"

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Study by the Universities of Bonn and Nijmegen explains how BCG vaccination reduces susceptibility to infections

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The University of Bonn has founded a new transfer center that acts as an interface between science and society/business, supports in both directions...

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Genomforscher schließen sich zur Deutschen COVID-19 OMICS Initiative (DeCOI) zusammen

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Stronger together.

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The most important German youth award will be awarded on May 5 in Berlin.


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Molecular switch in bone marrow stem cells helps research into inflammatory processes in the brain


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Advancing Personalised Immunotherapy in Sepsis.

Multinational consortium aims to identify novel biomarkers, and therapeutic targets needed for future...

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Researchers at the University of Bonn are developing a new method for elucidating the structure of long ribonucleic acids

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