News Archive

Das Science Rallye-Team

with the topic "What can we learn from zebrafish and Drosophila about human diseases?"

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Dr. Andreas Schlitzer

Myeloid Cell Biology

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Prof. Dr. Frank Bradke

Prof. Dr. Frank Bradke, research group leader at the DZNE and co-opted member of the Division for Molecular Biomedicine of the University of Bonn, is...

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Prof. Dr. Irmgard Förster

At this year's election of the members of DFG Review Boards for the term 2016-2019 Prof. Dr. Irmgard Förster was elected as one of the 5 members of...

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Prof. Günter Mayer

Universal antidote against all direct thrombin inhibitors

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Science Slam des iGEM-Teams Bonn

Once again this year a Science Slam of the iGEM team Bonn will take place, for the first time in collaboration with the research center caesar. On...

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Das "Wissenschaftliche Quartett"

"How will science have changed the medicine in 2050?"

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Presentation of extracellular antigens on MHC I molecules (cross-presentation) to activate cytotoxic T cells generally requires antigen translocation...

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Approach for novel insecticide

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Diskussionsrunde zur Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter in der Wissenschaft

On March 31, 2015 the Mini-Symposium „Epigenetics and Chromatin Structure“ organized by Irmgard Förster, Joachim Schultze and Waldemar Kolanus took...

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