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Researchers at the University of Bonn discover how an important immune response controller works
Misregulation of lipid homeostasis is often associated with pathogenic changes such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration or...
The LIMES Institute is offering two new M.Sc. programs
Study of the University of Bonn may point the way to new therapeutic approaches
Board of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig appoints Prof. Förster for 4 years
Forscher der Universitäten Bonn und Leipzig entdecken Mechanismus zur Bekämpfung von Krankheitserregern
with the topic "What can we learn from zebrafish and Drosophila about human diseases?"
Myeloid Cell Biology
Prof. Dr. Frank Bradke, research group leader at the DZNE and co-opted member of the Division for Molecular Biomedicine of the University of Bonn, is...
At this year's election of the members of DFG Review Boards for the term 2016-2019 Prof. Dr. Irmgard Förster was elected as one of the 5 members of...
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