News Archive

The Bonn & Melbourne Research and Graduate Training Group (Bo&MeRanG) started in April 2106 and covers the topic "Myeloid Antigen Presenting Cells...

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Innovative genetic techniques brought the knowledge gain:

Macrophages are only ready to fulfill their function when they have reached their target...

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In den letzten Monaten wurde eifrig daran gearbeitet, in Bonn eine schlagkräftige neue Einheit für Einzelzell-Genomik und Epigenomik zu entwickeln....

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Freitag, 3. Juni ab 18 Uhr, Blaue Grotte im Hauptgebäude

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Researchers at the University of Bonn discover how an important immune response controller works

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Misregulation of lipid homeostasis is often associated with pathogenic changes such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration or...

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The LIMES Institute is offering two new M.Sc. programs

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Study of the University of Bonn may point the way to new therapeutic approaches

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Prof. Dr. Irmgard Förster

Board of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig appoints Prof. Förster for 4 years

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Lichtmikroskopische Aufnahme einer lebenden Drosophila

Forscher der Universitäten Bonn und Leipzig entdecken Mechanismus zur Bekämpfung von Krankheitserregern

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