News Archive

Largest metastudy to date on acute myeloid leukemia

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On the morning of 22nd November the time had come: the BLB NRW and the University of Bonn laid the foundation stone for the new emerging technical...

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The Rector of the University of Bonn, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, has strengthened the strategic partnership with the prestigious Waseda...

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Study by the University of Bonn shows to what extent cancer research can benefit from the results of mouse models

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Researchers at the University of Bonn show that highly sensitive method can "track" lipid metabolism

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Elvira Mass from the University of Bonn receives a coveted ERC Starting Grant. Research on tiny particles

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Researchers at the Universities of Bayreuth and Bonn regulate the activity of RNA molecules

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Recognition for Outstanding Achievements in Teaching

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Research team led by Konrad Sandhoff shows that a defective degradation enzyme triggers a series of secondary health damages

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The spin-off Clickmer Systems of the University of Bonn receives 1.7 million euros from the Federal Ministry of Research

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