History and Development

Establishing new study programs

The first study course "Molekulare Biomedizin" was developed in October, 2003 in collaboration with the Medical Faculty at the University of Bonn. This highly competitive bachelors course is the most successful of its kind in Germany. The course is only offered in German and attracts 700-800 applications per year, with only 30 students admitted into the course. Since its conception, participants have featured as co-authors of over 200 peer-reviewed publications.

In parallel to the conversion of the Molekulare Biomedizin program to a Bachelor's degree in 2008, and English language Master’s degree program "Life & Medical Sciences" was established. Since 2016, the LIMES Institute offers two international Master courses in Immunobiology and in Biochemistry. Following these 1.5 year courses, graduates leave with enhanced technical and analytical skills, the ability to independently drive a research project, and a strong foundation for embarking on a successful PhD.

The current PhD (Dr. rer. nat) track is typically 3-4 years. Candidates must hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent), and applications are managed at the work group level.