The LIMES Institute
The Life & Medical Sciences Institute (LIMES) is an internationally oriented center for biomedical research and higher education at the University of Bonn. The main scientific focus of the institute is to explore the regulation of lipid metabolism and the immune system in health and disease, and decipher the signaling processes that take place both within and on biomembranes.
The LIMES Institute is involved in several national and international research networks and offers talented young students and researchers an ideal environment for interdisciplinary training, innovative research and development to independence.
Research Groups
We conduct basic biomedical research using cell systems and genetic model organisms, and combine these with methods of genetics, cell biology and chemical biology.
One of our main international partners is the TWIns-Institute, Waseda University, Tokyo. Local partners include the Medical Faculty, and Bonn research centers caesar and DZNE.
Funding Networks
The LIMES Institute is a major partner in the Bonn Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation and transregional SFB TRR 83 and was the principal partner in the collaborative research centers SFB 645 and SFB 704.