SFB 645 geht in die 3. Förderperiode

Following the Senate meeting of the DFG on 11/20/12, SFB 645 was successfully renewed for a 3rd funding period (2013-2016). SFB leader Prof. Michael Hoch and the groups involved celebrated the great news with a drink at the LIMES Institute. The SFB 645 "Regulation and Manipulation of Information Flow in Dynamic Protein and Lipid Environments" has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2005 and is now in its second extension. "The competition between applicants was exceptionally high this time, especially as many of the applications were filed in the wake of the Excellence Initiative by the DFG," says Michael Hoch. "The experts have certified that our SFB is recognised internationally in the area of lipid research. This was a great compliment for our research and spurs us enormously for the next four years”. Starting in January, more than ten million euros will be invested in the cross-faculty research program.

Within this SFB the LIMES Institute has interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers from Cell Biology and Medicine at the University of Bonn, and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In addition, the DFG extension will allow for further strengthening its collaboration with the caesar research institute.